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Lehman College

Lehman College Accreditation

General Information

Welcome to Lehman College’s Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness.

Mission Statement

Lehman College’s success in fulfilling its mission, vision, and strategic goals depends on the contributions of all of its academic programs, Academic and Educational Support (AES) units, and leadership in achieving its goals. In ongoing collaboration with faculty, leadership and administration, the Senate Assessment Committee, and the Office of Institutional Research, the Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness facilitates the systematic collection, review, and use of information to evaluate the extent of student achievement of institutional and program learning outcomes. In doing so, it fosters continuous institutional improvement, enhances educational effectiveness and advances the College’s ability to transform the lives of its students.


Goal 1: Facilitate Lehman College's assessment activities. Facilitate the systematic collection, review and use of information to evaluate the extent of student achievement of institutional and program outcomes, as well as the achievement of support and performance outcomes.

Goal 2: Provide professional development to the Lehman community. Offer workshops to faculty, staff and administrators on assessment practices and processes. Provide consultations on assessment to faculty, staff, and administrators.

Goal 3: Provide assessment resources to the Lehman community. Maintain the Institutional Effectiveness web pages on assessment, accreditation, academic program review, and the Performance Management Process (PMP).

Goal 4: Report on assessment activity. Provide an annual report on assessment activity to the Lehman community published on the Institutional Effectiveness web pages.

The Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness

  • Collaborates with faculty in devising and implementing program-level assessments plans
  • Provides professional development workshops and other assessment-related activities to sustain and strengthen a culture of evidence and improvement on campus
  • Coordinates assessment of Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
  • Serves as a general resource on assessment issues
  • Communicates assessment activities to the college community
  • Keeps abreast of best-practices in assessment
  • Reviews technological resources to facilitate organized and effective assessment efforts
  • Works to ensure that accreditation requirements related to assessment are being met

Assessment at Lehman College:

Lehman College adopted and implemented a uniform six-step assessment process for both academic and Administrative and Educational Support (AES) units.

Six Step Assessment Process

The six steps, followed in academic and AES assessment are:

  • Step 1:  Develop student learning outcomes or performance outcomes that align with Lehman College's mission, its institutional learning goals, and, where applicable, accreditation requirements;
  • Step 2:  Determine or modify criteria for measuring success;
  • Step 3:  Develop and implement methods of assessment involving direct and indirect measures;
  • Step 4:  Collect and analyze data;
  • Step 5:  Plan and carry out improvement initiatives, and;
  • Step 6:  Document assessment and improvement activities.
  • Steps 4-6 Lay out the annual assessment cycle that is part of the multi-year six-step process.

General Education Assessment

General Education is assessed at Lehman College based on the College's multi-year General Education Assessment Plan.

Planning and Self-Study

Lehman College uses Watermark Insights’ Planning & Self-Study™, an online, centralized assessment management system (AMS). All academic and Academic and Educational Support (AES) units will submit their assessment plans and reports using the AMS. Planning & Self-Study™ enhances Lehman College’s continuous improvement activities by facilitating planning, assessment, academic program review, and reporting. Planning & Self-Study™ accesses unified data across integrated areas and provides accurate analytics that inform decision making. 

The system’s assessment-related benefits include: 

Documentation of organized and systematic assessment 

Ease of mapping assessment goals with program or institutional learning goals

Documentation of the use of assessment results

Evidence of “closing the loop” activities

Demonstrates compliance with assessment-related accreditation standards

A Guide is provided to assist faculty, staff, and administrators in using the system.

To access the system, click here

To request access, please email Provide the name of the program for which you will be submitting assessment plans and reports. 

First-time users who have been granted access to the system should try to log into the system and then indicate that they “forgot” their password.  The system will then email a link to the user’s Lehman College email account at which they can create their password.

Senate Committee on Assessment 

The Committee on Assessment is a standing committee of the Lehman College Senate. The Committee: 

  • Reviews the Institutional Effectiveness Plan, reports to the Senate, and recommends policies regarding the institutional effectiveness of academic and administrative affairs of the College; 
  • Reviews academic assessment information at the institutional, program and course levels, including General Education and Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs); 
  • Reviews assessment information from Administrative, Educational, and Student Support (AES) units; communicates assessment findings to the Senate; 
  • Reviews the use of assessment tools and results for continuous improvement in Lehman College’s governance, planning, resource allocation, program-level and institutional learning outcomes; 
  • Disseminates information on best practices in assessment; 
  • Advises and recommends on the development of broader assessment policies, practices, and technology to promote student achievement and improvement in curricular, pedagogical, administrative, and support services.