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Lehman College

Middle States

Student Success Course Redesign Initiative 

To promote student success, the Office of the Provost has renewed its course redesign initiative to enhance student learning and retention and promote innovations in pedagogy through the redesign of core, foundational, and gateway courses. 

Request for Proposals

The Process

  • Faculty submit proposals for course redesign to the Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Educational Effectiveness by December 17, 2021 (see Request for Proposal for full details) 
  • Faculty whose course redesign projects have been approved will be notified of the approval by the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Educational Effectiveness by a written notice 
  • The written notice will include the SSCRI Acceptance Form. That form will also be available on the Student Success Course Redesign webpage. 
  • Faculty will complete the SSCRI Acceptance Form and provide the signed copy, along with the notice of acceptance, to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Educational Effectiveness and the Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness 
  • Faculty will complete the Confirmation of Faculty Stipend for Defined Projects Form and submit it to the Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness 
  • The Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness will submit the completed Confirmation of Faculty Stipend for Defined Projects Form to the Office of the Provost for approval. 
  • The Office of the Provost will provide the approved Confirmation of Faculty Stipend for Defined Projects Form to the Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness.  
  • The Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness will provide a copy of the approved Confirmation of Faculty Stipend for Defined Projects Form to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Educational Effectiveness. 
  • The Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness will provide the SSCRI Acceptance Form and the Confirmation of Faculty Stipend for Defined Projects Form to the Administrative Executive Associate, Academic Personnel. 

Documents for Faculty

Document Source Requirements/Tasks
SSCRI Acceptance Form

Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Educational Effectiveness

Posted on the Student Success Course Redesign webpage

Signed by faculty recipients Signed letter is submitted to:

Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Educational Effectiveness

Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness (OAEE) 

Confirmation of Faculty Stipend for Defined Projects Form  Posted on the Student Success Course Redesign webpage

Faculty completes the form and submits it to the Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness.

The Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness submits it to the Office of the Provost for approval.

A copy of the approved form is provided to the faculty member, Department Chair, and Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness.

The Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness provides a copy of the approved document to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Educational Effectiveness

Time of submission for forms:


  • Notice of Acceptance: Lets the faculty members know that they can proceed to develop their proposed initiative. Provides key deadlines, requirements, and the amount of the stipend. 
  • SSCRI Acceptance Form: Documents the faculty’s acceptance of the project and its requirements. 
  • Confirmation of Faculty Stipend for Defined Projects Form: Authorizes the payment of the stipend to the participating faculty. 
  • ePAF: The Electronic Personnel Action Form that creates the record of the faculty member’s participation in the project for purposes of payment. 
  • Project Report: Documentation that the course redesign project has been completed. Completion of the Project Report will start the processing of stipends.