Pre-calculus: Projects for Precalculus, MAT172

This page contains information on the following topics:

  • Prerequisite Courses
  • Moving on to Calculus
  • Textbook Information Syllabus
  • Uniform Final Exam Information
  • Supplemental Course Materials

To take MAT 172: Precalculus, a student must have received a grade of C (or better) in MAT 104: College Algebra. Students who have completed a comparable course at another institution should consult with a Department Math adviser. A list of advising hours can be found on the Department's website.

Students completing MAT 172 and planning to take Calculus I must receive a C or better. However, the department strongly recommends that such students ace the material presented in MAT 172. Students who are unsure as to whether or not they should move on to MAT 175 should consult with their instructor or a Department Math adviser.

Blitzer, Precalculus 6e. Students MUST also have access to the accompanying online homework software, MyLab. Consult with your instructor before you purchase anything.

An updated department syllabus can be found in the Department Office, Room 211 of Gillet Hall. You can also click the following link:

All students must take and pass a Department uniform final exam in order to pass the course. This final will be given during finals week at the end of the semester. A sample final exam can be found in the Department Office, Room 211 of Gillet Hall.

The links below offer students/instructors review material and projects. Some instructors may choose to assign material from these projects as homework.