Lehman Online Technologies

Below is a list of some of the technologies you have access to at Lehman with a description of some of the accessibility capabilities. 


Key features:


  • See Turnitin’s guide on their accessibility features at this link.

Safe Assign:

*Information forthcoming...

Respondus Lockdown Browser:

The following links from Respondus explain their accessibility features and provide support for enabling such features.


Blackboard Collaborate Ultra:

*Information forthcoming...


  • View VoiceThread’s accessibility tools and instructions to use them at this link here.


  • Faculty can add auto-captions, which need to be edited. You may need to alert your professor if a video is not captioned.

Microsoft Office:

Follow this link for multiple articles on the accessibility features of Microsoft Office tools: Accessibility tools for Microsoft 365

Windows general:

The following links provide multiple resources for using the accessibility resources on computers with the Windows operating system.

Mac general: