Tyler's Story

They call me Dr. Tyler, the
You may call me Dr. Tyler.
Well, I'm glad that you came to visit my page, because I have a lot to tell you about myself. To begin with, I'm smart. I like to play and I like to visit my Grandma's house. I might want to be a paleontologist when I grow up and dig up fossils. See, I'm just different from other kids, my brain thinks up different things. 

I am six years old now, but when I was five, my legs started to hurt me. A couple of days later, my chest began to hurt, too. It was pretty scary, since I was only five. When the doctors looked at my chest to try to figure out what was wrong, they noticed that there was a big red mark on it, and they thought that I must have Lyme disease. (That's a medical problem caused by the bite from a certain type of germy tick). That night I was in the Emergency Room of the hospital, and I remember laying on a stretcher waiting to go home. Then I went home and slept the rest of the night. That's how this whole thing started, when I was five years old. 

About to have a CT scan!
Guess what! This CT (sounds like 'cat') 
scan test didn't hurt at all...
To find out what happened next, tap on the machine!

Joan Fleitas, Ed.D., R.N.
Associate Professor of Nursing, Lehman College, CUNY
Bronx, New York 10468

Last updated: November 14, 2004