Lehman Mourns the Loss of Lowell Hawthorne (BBA, ’16)

Dear Colleagues:
The Lehman College community is mourning the loss of one of our own: Lowell Hawthorne, the president and CEO of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill. Born in Jamaica, and intensely proud of his Caribbean heritage, Mr. Hawthorne was an icon of the Bronx, the borough in which he launched his extraordinarily successful company. Although he was already a prosperous entrepreneur and businessman, Mr. Hawthorne returned to college to achieve his dream of earning a Bachelor’s degree. In 2016, he graduated from Lehman College with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Mr. Hawthorne served as Student Speaker at that year’s commencement ceremony, delivering a rousing and memorable speech, inspiring his fellow graduates to work hard and turn their dreams into reality. He was the quintessential Lehman student—determined and dedicated to family and community. We extend our deepest condolences to Mr. Hawthorne’s wife, Lorna, his sons Omar, Haywood, and Daren, and to his daughter, Monique.
José Luis Cruz