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Log into your account from the Computer Center

With an Alpha or Unix account:

Use a Unix terminal. Turn it on. You get a menu. Select the host on which you have an account.

Logging in:


You must type your username and password precisely as set, without spaces, no caps. (But your password on the Alpha will have at least one capital after you have reset your initial password.) If you make a mistake, you'll get an error message. Press Enter and try again: you have three opportunities to log in. Also, you are timed out after a few minutes; so don't go away until duly logged in.

At the Log in prompt, type your username, as given (no caps, no spaces). Press Enter.
At the Password prompt, type your password, precisely as given (or set by you). Press Enter. (If the Login failed, try again.) If you did it right, you are now in your account, the screen fills with messages.

Logging out (DON'T FORGET!)

At the host prompt>, enter the word exit. If you return to the menu, enter the number given for Exit.

Don't forget to turn the machine off.

If you get stuck, Hang up/Disconnect in Windows will log you off; turning off the machine will not.

If you don't log off, you block access for other users and you will lose your account.

Set/Change your password -- Memorize it

At the Alpha/Unix host prompt>, enter the word passwd. You get a prompt to enter your old password. Then you get two prompts to enter your new password, twice. It must have 5-8 characters without a space (some may be numbers, but you need at least one capitalized letter). 

Continue: see E-mail on the Alpha/UNIX || Some Commands at the host prompt || WWW

With a Vax account:

Use a Vax terminal. Turn it on. For foreign languages, use a machine with a green monitor.

Logging in:

Note 1:

You must type your username and password precisely as set, without spaces, no caps. If you make a mistake, you'll get an error message. Press Enter and try again: you have three opportunities to log in. Also, you are timed out after a few minutes; so don't go away until duly logged in.

Note 2:

First time on the VAX: you must set a new password, 6-8 characters no spaces. At the prompt, enter again your assigned password (not your username), then enter your new password, then re-enter it for verification. Memorize it.

At the Log in prompt, type your username, as given (no caps, no spaces). Press Enter.

At the Password prompt, type your password, precisely as given (or set by you). Press Enter. (If the Login failed, try again.) If you did it right, you are now in your account, the screen fills with messages.

Logging out (DON'T FORGET!)

At the host prompt $, enter the word lo (short for logout). If you return to the menu, enter the number given for Exit.

Don't forget to turn the machine off.

If you get stuck, Hang up/Disconnect in Windows will log you off; turning off the machine will not.

If you don't log off, you block access for other users and you will lose your account.

Set/Change your password -- Memorize it

At the VAX prompt $, enter the words set password. Enter your old password, then you get two prompts to enter your new password, twice. It must have 6-8 characters without a space.

Continue: see E-mail on the Vax || Some Commands at the host prompt || WWW

If you have both VAX & ALPHA accounts):

You can telnet from one to the other. This is slow but useful when you can't find a free terminal.
To telnet from the VAX to the Alpha: at the VAX $ prompt, enter telnet alpha.lehman.cuny.edu .
To telnet from the Alpha to the VAX: at the host > prompt, enter telnet lcvax.lehman.cuny.edu .

Logging in from Netscape Navigator: click on File, Open Location:

enter telnet://alpha.lehman.cuny.edu or enter telnet://lcvax.lehman.cuny.edu .

But Term16 is faster. Click here to see details.