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February 2004 Contents

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Society News

Russell on Nuclear Deterrence

Generality and Disimilarity

The Russell Cambridge Companion

Early News Reports on Russell

Traveler’s Diary

russell’s first american news reports (continued)

The articles on this page concern Russell’s 1914 trip to the United States.

Student’s Registration 3,263—Gifts of $89,000 Reported

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 20.—The Rev. Hastings Rashall, Canon of Hereford, England, the Hon. Bertrand Russell, a fellow of theRoyal Society, and Prof. Etienne Boutroux, of the Uni-versity of Paris, were appointed Woodward Lecturers at Yale at the regular meeting of the Yale corporation today. Arthur D. Dewing, of Boston, was also appointed lecturer on Corporation Economics.
The preliminary list of students in all departments shows a registration of 3,263, exactly the same number as last year. A considerable gain is shown in the college, with decreases in the law and medical schools.
Gifts aggregating $89,000 were reported since the Commencement meeting of the Corporation.

NYT Oct 21, 1913

Bertrand Russell Here to Lecture.
The Hon. Bertrand Russell of Trinity College, Cambridge, one of the foremost lecturers on philosophy, arrived yesterday on the Cunarder Mauretania to lecture at Harvard University under the Lowell trust. This work will cover thirteen months he said. Mr. Russell, who is heir presumptive of Earl Russell, married Alys Smith, the second daughter of R. Pearsall Smith of Philadelphia, in 1894.

NYT Mar 14, 1914

Some of the Passengers Sailing on Two Steamships—The Arrivals.

Transatlantic liners sailing to-day and some of those booked to leave on them are:
BERLIN (Naples).—Count Char-les Bonde, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark, Mrs. Allen Curtis, Miss Evelyn Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Emmons, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Fox, W. Gadsby, Dr. W. H. Hennings, Miss A. G. Ervine, Lester H. King, Dean C. Molleson, Miss Caroline L. Morgan, Mrs. F. Peck, Mrs. H. Richmond, Mrs. A. Rowditch, Mrs. H. M. Tweed, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitney, Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Wyckoff.
DANUBE (Southampton via West Indies).—T. H. Bettys, C. H. Buswell, C. C. Carpenter, H. W. Castle, S. G. Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hughes, A. D. Irving, Jr.; R. H. Russell, W. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Stillman, W. D. Walcott, C. J. Landon, James Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Giddons.
CAMERONIA (Glasgow).—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Doyle, Miss Kath-leen Irwin, C. L. Mitchell, Mrs. F. R. Peters, Miss Marion J. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Whipple.
Transatlantic liners arriving yesterday, and some of their passengers, were:
MAURETANIA (Liverpool).— Mrs. D. Alexander, Sir Hugh and Lady Bell, E. W. H. Bealon, Capt. Charles E. Boote, Mr. and Mrs, F. T. Busk, Miss M. L. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Campbell, Mrs. H. A. Cushing, W. C. Davison, H. L. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fares, Mr. and Mrs. Albert French, John C. Goold, Mrs. H. T. Harkness, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Iselin, F. Orr Le-wis, J. T. Lenfisty, J. H. McFad-den, J. A. Nelson, Miss G. More-land, S. R. Parsons, W. J. Paynter, William Prime, Miss M. A. Robb, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Rogers, the Hon. Bertrand Russell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Morse Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stein, Mrs. R. E. Strawbridge, Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Dam, Capt. E. C. T. Warner, Earl de la Warr, Mrs. N. Whitehouse, Mrs. L. G. Young, Sir Francis Young-husband, K. C. I. E., E. C. Otis, W. Woods, C. A. Tillson.

CHICAGO (Havre).—Roger Flory, F. Florence, Mrs. F. F. Hurd, Miss Hurd, W. Jamison, Clement Heaton, C. Furban, M. Werner, Leon Thebaud.

NYT Mar 14, 1914

Recipients of the Barnard and Butler Prizes Chosen.

It was announced at Columbia University yesterday that the Barnard gold medal for meritorious service to science and the Butler gold and silver medals for contributions to philosophy and education would be awarded at commencement.
The Barnard gold medal for merItorious service to science, established and endowed by the will of the late President Barnard, is awarded every fifth year, on the recommendation of the National Academy of Sciences. The award for 1915 is made to William H. Bragg, D. Sc., F. R. S., Cavendish Professor of Physics in the University of Leeds, and to his son, W. L. Bragg of the University of Cambridge, for their researches in molecular physics and in the particular field of radio-activity.
The Butler gold medal, established by an anonymous donor a year ago, also is awarded every fifth year. On the recommendation of a Committee of Advice, consisting of Dean Woodbridge, Professors Adler, Bush, Dewey, Russell, Suzzallo, and E. L. Thorndike, the medal is to be awarded to Bertrand Russell, F. R. S., Lecturer and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, for his contribution to logical theory. The contributions to educational administration. The Butler silver medal is to be awarded to Professor Ellwood Patterson Cubberley of Leland Stanford, Jr., University for his contributions to educational administration.

NYT May 19, 1915