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Scientific Research

CIHE is tasked with promoting and conducting health disparities and health equity research. To do so, it has prioritized the following aims:

  1. Promote data disaggregation and data analytics using secondary data analyses and the use of big data to explore inequalities in health outcomes and the causes and pathways associated with inequalities.
  2. Promote research that encompasses the continuum of research activities, from basic through applied research, including but not limited to health services research, population-health, and intervention sciences to improve the health of priority populations and/or reduce health disparities.
  3. Promote the understanding of the causes of health disparities related to structural inequalities to reduce or eliminate health differences to inform decision-makers and impact policy change.
  4. Develop approaches to reduce the gap between science and practice by promoting the dissemination of evidence-based interventions into communities experiencing health disparities as well as translating research findings into diverse types of formats and audiences.

Ongoing Projects:

  1. Bronx County Health Outcomes and Social Determinants Data Review
    PIs: Maria Isabel Roldos, John Orazem, Talita Fortunato Tavares
    In this project we seek to identify and characterize the health disparities of the Bronx in comparison to other NYC boroughs by exploring data from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps project. Through data disaggregation and statistical methods, we will characterize the county’s health burden and the influence of socio-economic context on racial and ethnic minorities, age-adjusted premature mortality, and in Years of Potential Life Loss (YPLL). The unit of analyses for this research is at the county level.

  1. Advancing the Science of Health Disparities and Policy Decision Making via Data Analytics
    This is a CIHE-wide initiative to promote secondary data analyses of publicly available data sources. It is widely believed that health disparities are the outcome of multiple causes operating at multiple levels in multiple domains that play out over a long period of time. Therefore, we encourage the use of multiple data sources and a social determinants of health research approach.
    We will promote the development of research protocols, provide peer-review input, and innovative data analytics to characterize the health and well-being of priority populations and identify health disparities and its causes.

Research Resources:

Federally Funded Databases:

  1. Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS)
  2. Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Administrative Data Series
  3. The National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)
  4. National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)
  5. Access to Integrated Employment: National Data Collection on Day and Employment Services for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
  6. Aging Integrated Databases (AGID)
  7. National Data Measurement Project: National Core Indicators – Annual Report
  8. The National Residential Information System Project (RISP) – Biennial Monograph
  9. Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As) Program Performance Reports
  10. The State of the States in Developmental Disabilities – Biennial Monograph
  11. Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Health Plan Survey
  12. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
  13. Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
  14. National Healthcare Quality Report and National Healthcare Disparities Report
  15. Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology & Surveillance (ABLES) Program
  16. Alaska Invasive Bacterial Disease Surveillance
  17. Alcohol-Related Disease Impact System (ARDI)
  18. Annual Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program, Hearing and Screening Follow-Up Survey
  19. Antibiotic Resistance Patient Safety Atlas (AR Atlas)
  20. AtlasPlus
  21. Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM)
  22. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
  23. Breastfeeding Report Card
  24. Chronic Disease State Policy Tracking System
  25. Clinical Assessment of Subjects with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Other Fatiguing Illnesses in Wichita (Wichita Clinical Study Data)
  26. Community Counts (CC)
  27. Data Set Directory of Social Determinants of Health at the Local Level
  28. Disability and Health Data System
  29. Electronic Report of Verified Case of Tuberculosis
  30. Emerging Infections Program Network (EIP)
  31. Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet)
  32. HIV Surveillance System
  33. Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
  34. Medical Monitoring Project (MMP)
  35. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
  36. National Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance System Data Trends & Maps
  37. National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (Tracking Network)
  38. National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
  39. National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS)
  40. National Immunization Survey-Child (NIS-Child)
  41. National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen)
  42. National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS)
  43. National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)
  44. National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS)
  45. National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR)
  46. National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP)
  47. National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS)
  48. National Youth Fitness Survey (NNYFS)
  49. National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS)
  50. Patient Safety Atlas: Inpatient Stewardship Programs
  51. Patient Safety Atlas: Outpatient Antibiotic Use
  52. Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program
  53. Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System (PMSS)
  54. Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
  55. School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS)
  56. School Health Profiles (Profiles)
  57. Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risk (SENSOR) Pesticides Program
  58. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance System (STDSS)
  59. State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System
  60. Universal Data Collection (UDC) System
  61. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
  62. Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) Project
  63. Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER)
  64. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
  65. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Data Linkage Program


Federal Longitudinal Databases:

  1. Longitudinal Studies of Aging (LSOA)
  2. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS)
  3. National Electronic Health Records Survey (NEHRS), formerly the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Electronic Medical Records Supplement
  4. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) Electronic Medical Records Supplement– Physician Workflow Survey
  5. National Death Index (NDI)
  6. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
  7. National Home Health Aide Survey (NHHAS)
  8. National Home and Hospice Care Survey (NHHCS)
  9. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS)
  10. National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS)
  11. National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS)
  12. National Nursing Assistant Survey (NNAS)
  13. National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS)
  14. National Study of Long-Term Care Providers (NSLTCP)
  15. National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)
  16. National Survey of Residential Care Facilities (NSRCF)
  17. National Vital Statistics System (NVSS)
  18. State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey


Databases Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:

  1. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC)
  2. Medicare – Clinical Performance Measures Project
  3. Medicare – Hospital Compare
  4. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Data Navigator, CMS Research, Statistics, Data & Systems
  5. Mapping Medicare Disparities (MMD) Tool
  6. Minimum Data Set (MDS)
  7. Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS)
  8. Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS)
  9. Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS)


Databases Sponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

  1. FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS)
  2. Health and Diet Survey – HDS
  3. Drug Trials Snapshots


Databases Sponsored by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA):

  1. HIV/AIDS Bureau Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program AIDS Education and Training Centers
  2. Area Resource File
  3. HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RWHAP)
  4. National Survey of Children’s Health
  5. National Survey of Children with Special Healthcare Needs (NS-CSHCN)
  6. National Survey of Early Childhood Health (NSECH)
  7. HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP), Dental Programs
  8. Title V Information System (TVIS)
  9. Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Program
  10. Uniform Data System (UDS)
  11. United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS)
  12. Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Demonstration Program (SCDTDP)


Databases Focused on American Indian/Pacific Islanders and Sponsored by the Indian Health Service:

  1. American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Natality Database
  2. American Indian and Alaska Linked Birth/Infant Death Record Database (AIAN-LBID)
  3. American Indian and Alaska Native Mortality Database (AIAN-MORT)
  4. Indian Health Service Ambulatory Patient Care System (IHS-APCS)
  5. Indian Health Service Dental Services Reporting System (IHS-DSRS)
  6. Indian Health Service Inpatient Care System (IHS-ICS)
  7. Indian Health Service Patient Registration System (IHS-PTREG)
  8. Indian Health Service Population Estimates and Projections (IHS-PEP)
  9. National Data Warehouse (DNW)


Databases Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH):

  1. Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD)
  2. Activity Counseling Trial (ACT)
  3. Alcohol Epidemiologic Data Directory (AEDS)
  4. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC)
  5. Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS)
  6. Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys (CPES)
  7. Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA)
  8. Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease Patients (ENRICHD)
  9. Epidemiologic Catchment Area Program (ECA)
  10. Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly (EPESE)
  11. HDPulse – Data Portal
  12. Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS)
  13. Health and Retirement Study (HRS)
  14. Honolulu Heart Program (HHP)
  15. Jackson Heart Study
  16. Lipid Research Clinics – Prevalence Study (LRCPS)
  17. Lung Health Study (LHS)
  18. Monitoring the Future Survey (MTF)
  19. Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
  20. Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT)
  21. National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA)
  22. National Comorbidity Survey (NCS)
  23. National Comorbidity Survey Replication Study (NCS-R)
  24. National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study, Phase I
  25. National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study (NCICAS), Phase II
  26. National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC)
  27. National Growth and Health Study (NGHS)
  28. National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS)
  29. National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey (NLAES)
  30. National Longitudinal Mortality Study (NLMS)
  31. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health
  32. National Long-Term Care Survey (NLTCS)
  33. National Survey of Adolescent Males (NSAM)
  34. National Survey of American Life (NSAL)
  35. National Survey of Health and Stress (NSHS)
  36. National Survey on Energy Balance-Related Care among Primary Care Physicians
  37. Puerto Rico Heart Health Program (PRHHP)
  38. Registry and Surveillance of Hemoglobinopathies
  39. State Cancer Profiles
  40. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program Registries


Data Resources Sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):

  1. Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)
  2. Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS)
  3. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
  4. National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS)
  5. National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS)
  6. National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES)
  7. State Synar Enforcement Reporting


Data Resources Focused on Emergency Health Care Services:

  1. Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
  2. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS)
  3. National Death Index (NDI)
  4. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
  5. National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
  6. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS)
  7. National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS)
  8. National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS)
  9. National Impatient Sample (NIS)
  10. National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)
  11. National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS)
  12. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
  13. National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS)
  14. National Vital Statistics System (NVSS)
  15. Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS)
  16. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
  17. Treatment Episodes Data Set (TEDS)


Data Resources Sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

  1. Air Data (Air Quality Data Collected at Outdoor Across the U.S.)
  2. Air Quality System (AQS) Datamart
  3. AirCompare
  4. AirNow
  5. Enforcement & Compliance History Online (ECHO)
  6. Envirofacts
  7. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) National Coastal Database
  8. Facility Registry System (FRS)
  9. Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
  10. RadNet
  11. Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)
  12. Storage and Retrieval for Water Quality Data (STORET)
  13. Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
  14. Water Quality Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads Information (ATTAINS)
  15. Watershed Assessment, Tracking & Environmental ResultS (WATERS)


Data Resources Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture:

  1. Food Access Research Atlas (FARA)
  2. Food Environment Atlas
  3. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Policy Database
  4. Cost Estimates of Foodborne Illness (CEFI)
  5. Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement (CPS-FSS)
  6. Eating and Health Module (EHM) of the American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
  7. National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS)
  8. Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System
  9. Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America
  10. Flexible Consumer Behavior Survey (FCBS) Module of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
  11. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Quality Control Data


Data Resources Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce:

  1. Current Population Survey (CPS) Annual Social and Economic Supplement
  2. American Community Survey (ACS)
  3. Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)


Data Resources Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ):

  1. National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) Program
  2. 2011 National Survey of Prison Health Care (NSPHC)
  3. Survey of Inmates in Federal Correctional Facilities (SIFCF)
  4. Survey of Inmates in State Correctional Facilities (SISCF)
  5. Survey of Prison Inmates (SPI), formerly called the SIFCF and SISCF
  6. Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ)
  7. National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
  8. National Inmate Survey (NIS)


Data Resources Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):

  1. Public Housing Developments
  2. Public Housing Buildings
  3. Public Housing Authorities
  4. Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) by Tract
  5. The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Data and Mapping Tool (AFFH-T)
  6. HUD Person-Level and Household-Level Administrative Longitudinal File: Rental Assistance Programs
  7. Multifamily Properties Assisted
  8. Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
  9. NCHS-HUD Linked Data


Data Resources Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE):

  1. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Data Explorer
  2. National Indian Education Study (NIES) Data Explorer
  3. National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES)
  4. Early Childhood Longitudinal Program (ECLS)
  5. Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS: 2002)
  6. High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS: 09)
  7. National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS: 88)
  8. School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)
  9. School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
  10. Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
  11. The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)
  12. Beginning Postsecondary Students (BPS)
  13. The National Postsecondary Student Aid Student (NPSAS)
  14. Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B)


Data Resources Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor:

  1. Census of Fatal Occupational Injures (CFO)
  2. Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII)
  3. National Compensation Survey (NCS)
  4. Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS)
  5. American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
  6. National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS)
  7. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)


Data Resources Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA):

  1. Hepatitis C Virus – Advanced Liver Disease Disparities Data (HCV-ALD)
  2. National Veteran Health Equity Report – FY13