David Font Navarrete

david-navarettePhone: 718-960-7778
Office: Music Building, Room 304
Office Hours: By appointment requested via email
Rank: Assistant Professor

Degrees and Sources of Degrees

  •  B.A., Antioch College; M.A., University of Maryland; Ph.D., York University


David Font-Navarrete is a musician, artist, and ethnomusicologist. He is Assistant Professor in the Department Music, Multimedia, Theatre, and Dance at Lehman College, and he is a member of the doctoral faculty in Music at the CUNY Graduate Center. 

He has conducted primary research in Cuba, Senegal, the Gambia, and the United States. Recurring themes in his research include: the confluence of Afro-Atlantic cultural traditions, avant-garde art, and ethnography; cultural archives; and multimedia technologies.  

His research has been received generous support from awards and grants, including: PSC-CUNY  and the CUNY Research Foundation; a US Latino Digital Humanities Grant-in-Aid (with Martin Tsang) from Arte Público Press and University of HoustonGerald E. and Corinne L Parsons Fund for Ethnography Award from the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress; a Library Travel Grant from Díaz-Ayala Cuban and Latin American Popular Music Collection, the Cuban Research Institute, the Kimberly Greene Latin American and Caribbean Center, and the Florida International University Libraries; and a Wayne Shirley Fellowship from the Society for American Music.  

His current research projects include an annotated English translation of Lydia Cabrera's El Monte; an annotated edition of Música de los cultos africanos en Cuba: The Cabrera-Tarafa Collection, ca. 1956and a monograph, tentatively titled Art at the Edge of Tradition: Notes on Orisha, Music, and the Age of Multimedia. 

Selected Publications