

To get a tutorial
Send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu; leave subject blank; message: send Usenet/news.answers/news-newusers-intro

Or see Usenet or http://www.mwc.edu/ernie/lrn-net5.html both by E. Ackermann


There are eight main divisions: alt (alternative), comp (computers), misc (miscellaneous), news, rec (recreation, arts, hobbies), sci (science), soc (social issures), talk (debate). If there is no newsreader on the host, check out InfoMagnet (Windows-based listserv manager): http://www.shelby.com/imag.html

or contact

or Don't attempt to download the entire list unless you have large amounts of free diskspace.

Homepage - Browsing the Internet

Prof. Ursula Hoffmann, 3/99 --