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first login to the VAX, first use of Pine, first use of browser

VAX account:

First login: CONCENTRATE

Don't dawdle. You are timed out after a few minutes of no keyboard activity.

You were given a login = username and a password.

When you are connected, you are first prompted to enter your login = username. Type it correctly (you can't edit it), then press Enter. If you do make a mistake, press Enter a couple of times to get a new Login prompt.

Then you are prompted to enter your password. Type it correctly (you don't see it on the screen and you can't edit it), then press Enter.

If you get into your account, you get a message to set a NEW password, 6-8 characters no spaces. Concentrate. At the prompt, type again your assigned password (not your username) and press Enter, then type your NEW password and press Enter, then re-type the NEW password for verification and press Enter. Memorize it.

If you did it right, you are now in your account, the screen fills with messages.

If not, try the process again, without making a mistake. You may need to ask someone in the Computer Center to reset your password to that which was originally assigned.

See below for First time using Lynx.

ALPHA or UNIX account:

There are no special requirements for the first login that I am aware of. But when you are logged into your account (host prompt is <username>>) and go into Pine, your favorite mailer, by entering pine, you need to do a few things:

First use of Pine:

Pine offers to send you a copy of the online manual document--you don't need it--press N for No.

If you need foreign characters, press S for Setup, C for Config. Press the spacebar about 5 times: look for character set. Arrow to select it, press A to add, then type ISO-8859-1. Then save change and exit to Main Menu.

If you want to use a signature file, press S for Setup, S for Signature. Create a file--or read in the file signatur.txt which you prepared and uploaded to your disc.

First time in the Lynx browser:

First time, press O to set options. Record your own address and create a Bookmark file =personal directory for URLs: you can call it anything you want, such as bookmark. Also choose ISO Latin as character set. Save the file.
<your username>@alpha.lehman.cuny.edu -- for an ALPHA account.
<your username>@lcvax.lehman.cuny.edu -- for a VAX account.

First time in the Netscape Navigator browser:

Click on every item on the Menu bar to familiarize yourself with the many things you can do here. You may want to get rid of the button bar to enlarge the viewing area of your windows. You should pay particular attention to all items available on the Options Menu. Here you select a page to call home, your mail and news preferences. Here you record your plug-ins and helper applications. Be sure to save Options if you changed them.
If you view this with Lynx, press leftarrow to return where you came from.
If you view this with a graphical browser, click the Back button to return where you came from.