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Using the ALPHA (UNIX -- case sensitive)

To change your password, at the alpha host prompt $ or >, type passwd. Press Enter.  As prompted, enter (=type and press the Enter key) your current password, enter your new password, enter your new password again.  Make a note of it; if you forget it, you can no longer get into your account.
A new password must have 5-8 characters (letters; some numbers are permitted, but no spaces or punctuation marks).  It must have mixed case, e.g., at least one capitalized letter.

To disconnect from the alpha, at the alpha host prompt $ or >, enter the word exit.

If you return to the menu, enter the number given for Exit. Close the window.

see Connecting in the ACC || by modem || with a direct connection


At the > prompt, enter lynx. See separate page. When ready to quit, press q, then Enter. 


At the > prompt, enter pine. See separate page. When ready to quit, type q, then Enter. 

Some useful UNIX commands at the c-shell prompt (case sensitive):

Communicating online: Who is online?

who / w / who am i who is on the system / doing what / my username
users all users who are logged on
finger who is logged on
finger <user> info. about <user>
chfn set up own personal info. (this may not take)
groups <user> list of groups the user belongs to
ruptime or ping info. about remote hosts
rwho info. about users on remote hosts

Messages to users online with talk or write

talk is easier but works only on video display terminals
who / rwho who is logged on
talk <user> [ttyname] set up 2-window talk; end with Ctrl-c
The other person must type the same command at start.
write <user> [ttyname] write something, end each line with Return, end message with Ctrl-d
! at beginning of line causes the line to be executed

The command line

Delete key delete previous character
Ctrl-w delete previous word
Ctrl-u delete current line
Ctrl-c kill current process
Ctrl-z stop current process
Ctrl-d end of file if you are reading a file / logout if you are at the command line
history show most recent commands
!<number> reexecute this command
!! reexecute last command
clear clear screen or window (this works for UNIX output, not for Lynx or mail)


help main commands
man <command> manual on this command
man -k <keyword> commands relevant to <keyword> in the manual
man uuencode

Files and directories

Note: UNIX is case sensitive, so the words test, TEST, Test, TeST etc. are different valid names.
ls <files> list files (default: all; for selected files use * or ? as wildcard)
ls <dirname> list files in the named directory
-a all including files whose names start with dot .
-l long form including filesize, time
-t / -tr sorted by time (latest first) / (reversed (latest last)
-F all including directories
-R recursively in all directories
ls -l <start of long file or dir name> Esc the system matches and completes the name
pg <filename> view file, one screen at a time, Enter to scroll
more <filename> show file, one screen at a time, Enter or space to scroll
cat <filename> view file without pause -- Ctrl-s to pause, Ctrl-q to resume
q stop viewing the file
pr <filename> | more view file with simple formatting, space to scroll
head / tail <filename> view first few lines / last few lines
diff <file1> <file2> view differences in two text files
file * / file <file> file type of all files / one named file
sort <file> sort text file
sort file1 file2 >file3 sort two text files (file1 and file2) into (>) a new file (file3)
mv <oldname> <newname> rename (=move) file or directory
rm <filename> delete (=remove) file (if file is linked, only the link is removed)
mkdir <dirname> make directory
rmdir <dirname> delete dir (note: it must be empty)
cp <path/file> <path/newfile> copy file
cp / mv <file> <dirname> copy / move file to named dir
cp -r <dirname> <dirname> copy dir including its files and subdirs to new dir
cp -p <file> <file> copy a file keeping old date: copy must have different name
ln <dir> <file> <newfile> link file in different dir to current dir, give it new name
rm <filename> remove link (note: if there is no link, the file is deleted)
pwd current dir name
cd <dirname> change dir--sometimes you need to enter /<dirname>
cd and Enter key return to own home directory -- or cd ~
whereis <filename> find a program file or manual


dot . / dot dot .. current / parent directory, e.g., cd ..

Disk and environment

df / du diskspace free / diskspace used (this works on the Unix but not on the Alpha)
quota disk quota (diskspace allowed you -- this works on the Unix)
/usr/sbin/quota (diskspace used -- allowed you -- maximum) 1 block = 512 bytes
compress / uncompress squeeze a file / restore it; e.g. compress -v <filename>
hostname show host name
printenv print environment variables
setenv <variable> <value> set an environment variable
stty current terminal settings
set term = vt100 set terminal (space before and after =), needed for pine and emacs

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