Jessica's Poem


Furry wolves,
Baby wolves,
Eating, crying, sleeping wolves
Darting, snarling, howling wolves,
Those are just a few.
Lone wolves,
Fearless wolves,
Scratching, sniffing, barking wolves
Hunting, fighting, running wolves,
Loyal wolves too.
Watchful wolves,
Courageous wolves,
Don't forget glad wolves,
Last of all, best of all,
I like Sawtooth wolves.
by Jessica.

These are some fast wolves!These are some fast wolves!These are some fast wolves!These are some fast wolves!These are some fast wolves!
Follow these wolves
to learn about the arctic wolf

To the frog ponds
To send Jess a note
To the site map

Joan Fleitas, Ed.D., R.N.
Associate Professor of Nursing, Lehman COllege, CUNY
Bronx, New York 10468

Last updated: November 14, 2004