Without the support of people who believe in the potential of this project to make the world a softer place for children growing up with medical challenges, it would never be able to accomplish that goal. I am indebted to the children and youth who share their stories, to the experts who critique the pages of Band-Aides, to the organizations who recognize the value of the site, and to the corporate sponsors who donate equipment for its improvement. 

Thanks especially to:
Southern Poverty Law Center: $2000 grant
Childnet International:$2200 award
The Hewlett Packard Organization: digital camera and photo printer
MaryAnn Bunting of American Express: state of the art computer to allow the transfer of video as well as storage of all Band-Aides pages.

 To the frog ponds
 To send your comments
 To the site map

Joan Fleitas, Ed.D., R.N.
 Associate Professor of Nursing, Lehman College, CUNY
 Bronx, New York 10468

  Last updated: November 14, 2004