Shehzad Nadeem


An expert on culture and globalization, Prof. Nadeem is the author of Dead Ringers: How Outsourcing is Changing the Way Indians Understand Themselves (Princeton University Press). Nadeem’s research has been published in academic journals (Social Identities, Sociology CompassCultural SociologyGlobal Networks) as well as featured in non-academic outlets like NatureThe Guardian, BBC World Service, Radio-Canada, and elsewhere. He is currently working on a book project about ancient yoga and recently published pieces on yoga’s transformation into a middle-class exercise regime (in the book Regimes of Happiness) and neo-liberal Indian yogis (in the book Mimetic Desires).

At Lehman, Prof. Nadeem primarily teaches Sociological Theory (SOC 302), Urban Sociology in Global Perspective (SOC334), and Urban Sociology (SOC 234). He holds a doctorate in sociology from the University of California, San Diego.
