Kofi Benefo


I first arrived at Lehman College in the fall of 2000. My training is in social demography at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and the Carolina Population Center, Chapel Hill. Since I arrived at Lehman, I have taught Sociology of Family (SOC227), Social Research Methods (SOC301), Advanced Social Research Methods (SOC303), Quantitative Analysis of Sociological Data( SOC345), Population and Society(SOC319) and American Demography(SOC339).

My research interests are fertility, health and family issues in sub-Saharan Africa. I use multilevel analysis techniques that combine survey, census and other data on communities and individuals to estimate statistical models of human behavior. I am particularly interested in features of communities that influence the fertility, health and family experiences of individuals, independently of their own personal and domestic characteristics. Lately, I have been working on intimate partner violence against women in Zambia and Ghana, with the goal of identifying features of communities that can predict the women’s risks of victimization.
